FAQ for Applicants

Frequently Asked Questions for Job Applicants

Who is Ingelix?

Ingelix is a third-party provider of hiring & retention assessment technology to identify high performance.. 

Why do I need to take an assessment?

The employer you have applied with has retained Ingelix as a part of their hiring process. In order to be considered for employment, you must complete the Ingelix assessment as a part of the application process.

Which assessment should I take? 

You should have received a direct link to the assessment for the position for which you are applying, either from the job listing or from the employer. Or, you should have received a project code that you would type into the “Project Code” field within your Ingelix account that also would take you directly to the assessment you are required to complete.

If you are unable to find the link or project code that was provided, you may contact Ingelix Support and provide the name of the employer and the position you are applying for. With this information we can direct you to the proper assessment.

How do I take an assessment?

Begin by following the link or project code provided by the employer. Follow the steps and answer the questions required. Please read this article for more information on taking assessments.

How do I change my password?

  1. Log in to the Ingelix SmartSystem
  2. Select the small arrow beside your name in the black bar at the top.
  3. Enter your new password
  4. Re-enter your old password to confirm changes
  5. Select "Update"
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